Why Did I Ultimately Choose Shopify?
Between 2018 and 2019, when I decided to build my own website to promote Dehua ceramics, I explored several DAAS (Design as a Service) platforms, including WordPress (WooCommerce), Squarespace, Wix, Shopify, BigCommerce. I even briefly trialed each one.
Despite my 20 years of IT experience, my expertise lies in enterprise IT architecture, not website building. Since I was handling everything alone, I needed a platform that was simple, secure, and efficient.
After narrowing down my options, I was left with Wix, Shopify, and Squarespace. For a first-time website builder, having rich templates, robust plugin support, and seamless integration of e-commerce features were critical factors. Additionally, the ability to integrate tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and email marketing was a must-have.
Initially, I hesitated to choose Shopify due to its transaction fees and even considered eliminating it early on. However, after a deeper trial, I discovered Shopify’s standout feature: a vast library of plugins and excellent support for multiple sales channels, all with one-click installation. For someone inexperienced in web design, Shopify’s user-friendly setup was a game-changer. I didn’t have to worry about plugin compatibility and could focus on running my website and social media. Moreover, Shopify has significantly improved over the past five years, offering more customization options for displaying dynamic content.
Choosing a website template was another challenge. While a “cool” and unique design is always appealing, I opted for a template that best fit my content. Many plugins are only useful if actively utilized. If a plugin remains unused or improperly configured, it’s likely unnecessary. Over time, I even removed several plugins to streamline my site’s performance.
In the end, Shopify’s ease of use and functionality made it my top choice. How about you? What criteria guide your platform selection?
BTW, The pictures on this post is created by ChatGPT, and it’s my first creation from ChatGPT, it seems interesting, but not a wonderful one.